API end point: https://clover.careevolution.com/WebClient/api/fhir-r4.

System operation compose-demographic-identifier-system

Composes an identifier system URI from the CareEvolution identifier type and assigning authority

In Parameters

Name Cardinality Type Documentation
identifier-type-code 1..1 string The code of the CareEvolution identifier type term.
identifier-type-namespace-code 0..1 string The code of the namespace of the CareEvolution identifier type term.
identifier-type-namespace-version 0..1 string The optional version of the namespace of the CareEvolution identifier type term.
assigning-authority-namespace-identifier 0..1 string The namespace identifier of the CareEvolution assigning authority.
assigning-authority-universal-identifier 0..1 string The universal identifier of the CareEvolution assigning authority.
assigning-authority-universal-identifier-type 0..1 string The universal identifier type (e.g. ISO) of the CareEvolution assigning authority.

Out Parameters

Name Cardinality Type Documentation
uri 1..1 uri